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Nickel fiber felt for Hydrogen Energy Production
-2023-02-08-           VIEWS:0           AUTHOR : Mona Li

As a new type of anode material, nickel felt is developing towards replacing foamed nickel as the framework material of anode active material ,due to its resistance to high current impact, good voltage stability, capacitance, large amount of active material filling, high utilization rate, low internal resistance and high strength of electrode plate.


The thickness, pore size, unit weight, porosity and other performance indicators of nickel fiber felt can be comparable to that of foam nickel. At the same time, it has a larger specific surface area than foam nickel, high tensile strength, good flexibility and other characteristics, and is suitable for making large capacity and large current nickel hydrogen batteries, electrodes, etc.

German customer ordered 10 square of nickel fiber felt for the study of the anode diffusion layer of the water electrolysis tank. Nickel fiber felt is being used in various anode experimental research fields

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