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Disc filter in Walnut orchards
-2022-03-28-           VIEWS:0          

When people are engaged in agricultural production, they have troubles with the irrigation system sometimes , for example, small particles in the water  cause drip emitters to become clogged etc.That time ,you need a filter to guard against debris entering your irrigation system .


Disc filters perform more efficiently when it comes to algae, moss and other organic materials. Which is full of round-stacked discs that allow water to pass through but are excellent at catching organic materials.Because of their design, disc filters are better equipped to filter out fine particles such as bacteria, sand, chemical sludge, and slime. A larger mesh number correlates to finer filtration of disc size .This 3 inch disc is apply in Walnut orchards in South Africa. Due to the soil quality, there are fine gravels that block the sprinkler all the year round.So we introduced this disc filter adding to irrigation system ,also screen filter available too

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