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AIDA air oil separator element
-2021-09-13-           VIEWS:0          

Air oil separator element is the key component that determines the compressed air quality of the air compressor. The high-quality air oil separator can not only ensure the high efficiency of the compressor, but also the life of the filter element can reach thousands of hours.
 air oil separator element
The compressed air from the compressor head entrains oil droplets of various sizes. Large oil droplets are easy to separate when passing through the air oil separation tank, while small oil droplets (suspended oil particles below 1um in diameter) must be filtered through the micron and glass fiber filter layer of the oil and gas separation filter. The oil particles are directly intercepted by the filter material through the diffusion effect of the filter material, and the inertial collision aggregation mechanism makes the suspended oil particles in the compressed air quickly condense into large oil droplets. Under the action of gravity, the oil gathers at the bottom of the oil core and passes through the bottom. The inlet of the oil return pipe in the recess returns to the lubricating oil system of the machine head, so that the compressor discharges more pure and oil-free compressed air. The solid particles in the compressed air pass through the oil core and stay in the filter layer, which causes the pressure difference (resistance) of the oil core to increase continuously. As the use time of the oil separator core increases, when the pressure difference of the oil separation core reaches 0.08 to 0.1Mpa, the filter element must be replaced, otherwise the operating cost of the compressor (power consumption) will increase.

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