Product Details
Model : AF2004P
Product related similar replacement part number
Product related similar replacement part number
AF2004P AF2004M AF2004X
AF2007P AF2007M AF2007X
AF2010P AF2010M AF2010X
AF2013P AF2013M AF2013X
AF2020P AF2020M AF2020X
AF2026P AF2026M AF2026X

Product features
Compatible with OEM product
Quantity discounts available. Please contact customer service for quote. Shipping costs may vary up or down depending on geographic location and method of delivery. Customer will always receive lowest actual rate.
Photo images may be general representations of products and are updated periodically.
All products are guaranteed to be free from manufacturing defects and meet or exceed factory specifications in terms of fit, form and functionality.
Product description
Direct interchange for Hankison AF2004P. Part of the full line of Hankison high quality equivalent coalescing elements, adsorbers, separator elements, mist eliminators, condensate separator kits and more.
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