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Automatic Disc Filter for USA client
-2022-12-16-           VIEWS:0           AUTHOR : Abby Zhang

AIDA just got an inquiry about automatic disc filter from USA client. He is end user. And want to place an order one unit for his own factory. Its the first time for him to buy something from China. 


The dics filter micron as follows:

Reclaimed Water,waste water: 200 um

Recycling water,feed water pretreatment; 100 um

Drinking water,process filter,Nozzel protection: 50 um

High quality water supply:20um 

The disc filter is composed of a group of plates with grooves on two sides. The intersection 

points formed by the edges of the grooves can intercept the solid matter in the water,then effectively remove 

organic and inorganic matter from the raw water. The intersection points also can highly catch soft impurities 

and fiber soft impurities. The filtration effect is greatly improved because of the functions of surface 

interception and deep condensation. At the same time, the disc filter has the characteristics of efficient 

backwash effect, automatic continuous operation, low water consumption, small covering and reliable 

operation, the backwash process of the filter system can alternately run in turn. It can automatically shift 

between working and backwash. In this way, it ensures continuous effluent, decreases system pressure loss. 

It’s very obvious that our disc filter owns so many technology advantages.

Now checking with technical data with client. Once everything is clear. We will recommend a suitable one for him. Looking forward to cooperate with him. 

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