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Micro mist separation filter element AMD-EL350 AMD-EL450
-2022-10-31-           VIEWS:0           AUTHOR : Mona Li

Precision line filter element is an important part of compressed air line filter. When a mixed gas containing impurities contains the filter, which will remove the liquid, oil mist, solid particles, oil steam, hydrogen hydrocarbon compounds, foreign objects, bacteria, etc. from the mixed gas .Provide high -quality compressed air that meets application needs for compressor air systems.


AMD-EL350 micro mist separation filter element is a filter equipment material that uses adsorption, condensation and other filtering principles to remove oil, water and other impurities in the air, and is used in the filter.

This AMD series filter element ordered by Saudi Arabia can filter the liquid and solid particles small as small as 0.01 μm to achieve a low -residual oil content of only 0.003ppm. Almost all the moisture, dust and oil are removed. It is used for protection before E1 filtering and drying machine. After the cold drying machine, it ensures that there is no oil in the air.

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