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328A7187P003 Oil Mist Eliminator Filter Element
-2022-10-24-           VIEWS:0           AUTHOR : Mona Li

328A7187P003 oil mist separation filter element is a kind of coalescing cartridge filter. So it can also be called Coalescing Cartridge Filter FLT486 .The filter tube is sintered with high-precision glass fiber. It is mainly used for filtering automotive engines, natural gas, coal gas and other gases, and for filtering compressed gases such as CNG LPGLNG. In the system, the greater the ratio of coalescing filter elements to separating filter elements, the better the coalescing effect and the faster the separation speed.


This Coalescing Cartridge Filter 328A7187P003 is a procurement of GT Mist Oil filters of 150MW CCPP by Indian clients.It has the dual functions of filtering impurities from aviation kerosene and coalescing water, and can meet the needs of various fine filters used in fixed mobile refueling facilities

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