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We got a repeat 124487-003 filter order in Australia recently
-2021-08-12-           VIEWS:0          

We got a repeat 124487-003 filter order from a regular customer in Australia recently. The filter part number is 124487-003. It is compressor oil separator filter element. This customer does air compressor repair and maintenance. And he is also our VIP customer. We started our first cooperation from 2015. This customer has been ordering filter elements of different part numbers for several years. Like 0734-7, E7-PV E9-PV, 146397-10, 146397-08 and so on. He was very satisfied with our filters quality and appearance. He ordered 500 pcs filters 124487-003 this time. Ordering again is the best proof. The filters are under production now. I will show the production filter photos to him after finished. We trust we will cooperate for a very long time. Thank you.

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